Tuesday, May 20, 2008


After aeons of painstaking evolution, the White race had resigned themselves to the fact that the human oceans of marauding blacks would soon breed them out of existence and the only place left to emigrate to would be the International Space Station. Realizing their own mistakes like healing their sick, feeding their starving, raining money upon them, curing their diseases, and congratulating Hollywood stars living in La-La-Land who were blindly adopting their orphans (words fail but that crawling sensation up your spine indicates that you know what i mean). Finally seeing the folly of educating them (and i'm not talking about English Lit. and Particle Physics here - i mean introducing them to the power of firearms, money and ranking in the military forces), the now endangered White population threw their hands up in defeat as there was indeed no cure for the black plague they themselves had created.

Simultaneously sighing SO HEAVILY it caused a global change in wind direction.

Denying the existence of a benevolent god they sat, with no space left to run or hide in, waiting for death by human suffocation.

But then, on one fine day in the middle of May in South Africa, as they were performing their daily ritual of contemplating mass suicide, they found themselves in the middle of a war-zone of violence, death and destruction. But then suddenly they noticed that a white cocoon of protection had wrapped itself around them as raging blacks aggressively turned on other raging blacks, and they, the White South Africans, were left untouched. There they stood, in a maelstrom of rape, murder, arson and other UNSPEAKABLE forms of cruelty unique only to the black race. Unharmed and seemingly invisible, the killing frenzy had completely passed over the White race, like the Angel Of Death did the Israelites in the Exodus from Egypt.

With gaping mouths they collectively realized that they were witnessing a miracle, and they all fell to their knees and praised God, begging for His forgiveness for ever having doubted Him. The disease had turned upon itself and had become it's own undoing.

In honor of the week that saved the world of White South Africans, they named this Holy Event: "THERE-IS-A-LOVING-GOD-AND-DON'T-YOU-FORGET-IT!" week, which was celebrated with a nationwide White Foam Party to show their respect. And they raised their glasses and and cried above the thundering beats of the best House music ever recorded, "WE LOVE YOU FOR THIS GOD!"

Lazer beams on every single wall repeatedly scribbled: "Trust in the Lord and He shall deliver thee from the evil, dark, black Valley of the Shadow of Death!".

Property prices soared, inflation plummeted and peace reigned across the land, and God beheld them and saw that it was good.

This is White Sandy Green reporting live from her White padded cell where she is undergoing treatment for White Happiness Overload, or WHO for short.

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