today we went to the Knysna Junk-Food market - okay it's not called that but it SHOULD be. i found myself surrounded by a collection of alcohol ridden, borderline-diabetic, morbidly obese, badly dressed, uncool, unprocreatably unsexy, might've-been-beautiful-once-upon-a-time-but-who-the-hell-can-tell-NOW beings that i can best describe as a big fat waste of human tissue!
of course THEY all looked at ME but i couldn't look BACK because then i'd have to have looked DOWN at them and that would make me look like a snob and i don't want to appear that way because THAT's unsexy and uncool in itself!
but once we were sitting down in their super-gross beer garden on their super-rickety wooden benches - they had clearly gotten that way from the years of strain taken underneath all those super-sized Knysna asses - i could scan the scene more thoroughly.
i realised right then that THIS is where you come when you've given up on life and can't even impress YOURSELF anymore.
in fact, i almost think i overheard someone saying, "what the hell, i might as well look like crap until i die...".
it was then that Bryan sms'd me to have twenty oysters with a glass of champagne and to think of him while i was doing it...
well, oysters they had (as pictured above) but i think that ordering a glass of Möet & Chandon would've been as well understood as if i'd asked for directions to the nearest gym.
and the prospect of downing them with a beer in a plastic glass would've reduced me to, well, THEM, and the imaginary picture of MYSELF in THAT condition was more of a visual insult to me than they were. i made up my mind that second that the empty calories in Bryan's champagne was NOT going to make its way into THESE fat cells and i WOULD think of him when i was NOT drinking it because HE wouldn't want to do Clifton with ME if i looked like a Knysna resident who'd locked themselves away in a world without mirrors.
they all looked miserable, and so they should! i refuse to believe that there is a human being in all of creation, okay excluding blind, retarded, and comatose people, who is not mentally affected by the shape of their body. that's because your body is a integral part of the essence of YOU, and if you abuse IT you abuse EVERYTHING that is YOU. give up on your body, give up on yourself. and the damage is self-inflicted. a desecrated body therefore equals a semi-desecrated person who can only be angry at THEMSELVES for desecrating THEMSELVES.
look good, feel good. everybody knows this. 'beauty is skin deep' and all those kind of remarks are made up by people who'd rather scorn those that engage in the battle to maintain their appearance than face that battle themselves. and it's the hardest battle of all because it's YOU vs YOU. and everyone KNOWS that they WILL lose eventually. but some people do it ANYWAY because they want to get the best out of themselves before they decay and die.
Skin Deep, as trivial as they make it out to be, cannot be tossed aside so easily because it is the level that faces the world and creates that oh so important First Impression. it's also the level that greets you first thing every morning in the mirror. THAT image will make or break your day i don't care WHO you are. i'm telling you even the King of Rock 'n Roll must've felt like shit every morning at the end there. he OD'd. so he couldn't have exactly been over the moon about it. that makes Skin Deep everything BUT superficial because the surface permeates one's entire being. and the instant highs of the infamous Elvis deep-fried, peanut-butter, syrup and fried banana sandwiches never lasted long enough. every now and then he'd HAVE to have caught a half-glimpse of what he had mutated into and THAT image made him dive face-first into a smorgasbord of narcotics. i TOTALLY would've done the same.
so what does this mean? giving up your so called 'little pleasures' in life like dessert after dinner, full cream milk and sugar in your coffee etc etc?
life's too short to not enjoy these little treats you say? i say life's too LONG to spend day after day looking your personal WORST.
let me just say this to you now, all those 'little pleasures' of yours eventually add up to one big DISpleasure when you wake up one morning and you realise that YOU have been responsible for the wrecking of a MAJOR part of your OWN SELF.
so give up the crap or give up on yourself. those are your two choices.
and there IS no grey area. in fact the only grey in my eyes on this issue is the color of this oyster. and they're a hell of a lot easier to swallow than carrying around anything above 15% body-fat.
alrighty then, now that i've thought that through, let me slide these viscous little globules of protein down my throat.
(gulp x 6!) heavenly!
weird how something this ugly can taste so amazing...
maybe beauty IS skin deep...
but if so it's only in bivalve mollusks.
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