Wednesday, January 2, 2008


alriiiiight, here we go, this is it, this is MY year!

i was feeling a bit dazed and confused this morning trying to unravel and make sense of all the activity at last night's Old Years Eve party, but so MUCH happened there i ended up just lying on the couch with the kids in jPod. i'm reading it REALLY SLOWLY now because i KNOW i'm going to miss every single one of the characters as soon as i turn the last page. i can foresee the feeling already - it's going to be like i've just spent an amazing week with six of the most interesting people i've ever met, but they're actually from a parallel universe and i'm eventually going to have to watch them vanish into thin air knowing i'll never see them again for the rest of my life. sob. like they're dead but still alive.

anyway, i decided to stop thinking about the end while i was still enjoying the middle and forced myself to shake the brain-moths out of my head and spin for an hour.

and the decision to do THAT was the turning point of my 2008!

i hadn't sat my ass on my bike for more than five minutes when i started feeling great! i had Green Day bouncing off my eardrums, the weather was stunning and the panoramic view of the ocean was marred by only ONE THING: the writhing mass of black bodies in the pool across the road.

[Sombody, i won't say WHO here, would like me to refer to this lot as 'kaffirs' or the milder version, 'coons' in this piece, mainly because i think she has repressed desires to use those very words HERSELF but is still trying to muster up the courage to. for me of course, these words have no novelty factor at all. in fact they have all the impact of the words 'tree' or 'flower' on MY conscience. buuut if she wants to live vicariously through me, who am i to begrudge anyone the joy of injecting a bit of happiness into their day? baby-steps are still steps Kyle, so we're getting there.]

so anyway, by now i was onto my third song - Depeche Mode 'Just Can't Get Enough' (Dirty South Remix) - when suddenly i felt the air around me begin to vibrate like it would if Han Solo were landing the Millenium Falcon outside my window. i turned to see the Vodacom 911 chopper flying RIGHT NEXT TO ME! behind it, the Coast Guard and a rubber duck were doing frantic laps up and down the beach. i was transfixed. the chopper spiralled into a nose-dive and hovered about 10cm above the ocean surface and hung there, spraying the water away like God parting the Red Sea for Moses, as the sea-crew came in for closer inspection. by the time i realised i wasn't turning my legs anymore, they suddenly split formation and started to repeat the same pattern over and over for at least an hour in what was to become an EPIC SEARCH to which i, Sandy Green, had RING-SIDE SEATS! i'm telling you guys if i wasn't on diet this would've been a 'couch and pop-corn' moment.

it was then that i realised that God loved me, and my life was truely great.

picture this: me sitting on my bike set to the visual of a drowned corpse being dragged from the ocean, cycling to the beat of Donna Summers' 70's classic 'Last Dance', brand spanking new pair of Bushnell binoculars in hand - i felt like i was the centre of the Universe for that hour, with all of nature revolving around ME! it was SO GOOD i wouldn't have been surprised if Richard Gere had walked through my front door wearing a white Navy uniform.

yip. there was very little that could've been added to improve THAT moment. thank you to the Cosmos for orchestrating that AWESOME kick-off to my 2008! my wish for the rest of the year? more of the SAME, don't lose momentum, don't take your eyes off the ball and, as any good coach will tell you, FINISH STRONG!

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