Saturday, November 24, 2007


today i heard something that i'm going to struggle to put into words. something SO BAD even Jerry Springer would be rendered speechless.

deep breath, here we go.

on saturday night my brother Brad gave Given, the little black kid that he raised as a friend for my nephew Dylan (kudos to him for that), a disco party for his 13th birthday. included on the adult guest list were my brother's girlfriend Tracey and her mother, and Brad's ex-wife Carrie and HER mother.

as the evening drew on and alcohol was consumed, there was a tussle on the dance floor which resulted in Carrie's mom and Tracey's mom getting physical in a old lady cat fight right there in front of God and everybody. tempers flew, both parties relayed the story to Dylan, each with their own accusatory, bitter spin on them, Brad freaked and he left with he kids.

then theatening sms's were exchanged that were all forwarded to me that i found difficult to believe were written by GRANDMOTHERS.

up to here Jerry would "tsk, tsk" but he wouldn't be stranded for words.

today some truths were revealed that i'm glad i heard but at the same time i REALLY wish i hadn't.

apparently Carrie had been slipping Dylan (who FYI is about to turn only 10) Bacardi Breezers all night, and, hold onto your jaw Jerry, was seen rolling on the lawn with him, her own son, screaming "ooo he's flirting with me everybody! look! he's flirting with me!".

a minute of silence would be appropriate right now, not only for the tragedy of the whole event, but also to allow your brain some time to decide how to process such insanely warped behaviour.

ok, you can inhale now.

what kind of a person gets away with so much for so long? destroys so many undeserving people? leaves more collateral damage than the time when the Transformers went to war for control of the Earth? declares herself the Worlds Best Mother and Coolest Person of the Year, and doesn't receive so much as a first written warning from the Universe?

where does the saying 'the wheel turns' generate from anyway? maybe God's forgotten to oil it.

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