Thursday, November 29, 2007


well here's something you doesn't happen everyday - i was busy eating lunch when these two little specimens dropped out of the sky!

them: "hi..."

me: "hello..."

them: "cool apartment..."

me: "thanx!"

them: "nice speakers, nice table, nice EVERYTHING... he he he..."

me (walking over): "what you guys doing?"

them: "building inspection. you'd better get out while you can! he he he..."

me: "and the quickest way down is obviously..."

them: "ha haaaa! ja..."

me: "want some diet Sprite?"

them: "okaaay..."

(some more of the same kinda conversation...)

a voice from above. they look up.

them: "oops that's our boss! gotta go, nice meeting YOU..."

me: "likewise..."

and up they went.

them: "we know where you staaaay!!!"

me: hm, sweet boys. just what i needed after lunch. i haven't had a dessert quite like that before!

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