Saturday, November 24, 2007


"good morning this is SKY NEWS breaking stories: the ex prime minister of Rhodesia, Ian Smith, has died followed by mixed reactions across the world. you decide, IAN SMITH, HERO OR RACIST?"

cut to a shot of a weary looking Ian with a microphone thrust in his face speaking with all the conviction of a prophet who tells the people 'verily verily i say unto thee...!' but deep down knows that anything can happen. he said: "there will NEVER be black majority rule in Rhodesia. never. not in a THOUSAND YEARS!"

cut to a shot of Robert Mugabe, microphones thrust in his face as well, but he wasn't saying a word. he was too busy making a spectacle of himself for the cameras of global television networks so that the whole wide world could watch him dancing and singing "F YOU WHITE PEOPLE!" - or something like that - with the masses (and i MEAN MASSES) of the poor starving leftovers of the former Rhodesia. he was saying it best by saying nothing at all.

so back to the true/false test provided by SKY NEWS. ok, i can't speak for other races here, pretty much because i do not EVER want to read their minds. and because i don't really want to get to know any to ask them. BUT, let me tell you THIS: for WHITE Africans, i can say that SKY NEWS provided us with two wrong options. because the only two possible reactions from us when presented with these images are, for the racists (er sorry, White Supremicists): "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THERE YOU GO, look at THAT all you BLACK-ASS-SUCKING GOODY GOODY'S! WERE WE RIGHT OR WERE WE RIGHT?! now PAY ATTENTION ALL WHITE SOUTH AFRICANS...", and for the liberals: (forefingers positioned over tightly shut eyes, thumbs plugged deeply into ears) "LA LA LA LAAA, WE CAN'T SEE YOU! WE CAN'T HEAR YOU! LA LAA LAAA!".

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