Monday, December 10, 2007


"he loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not... (echoing off into infinity)." that's me.

how boring?

why do i do that?

when a guy's into me, or i think he's into me, i carry on making noises like this until i've spoken the topic flat, like road-kill. boredom quickly sets in and i leave before i even arrive. why can't i shut the up fuck and let things run their course, taking things as they come?

but no, oh no not me. i expect all my friends to be Nostradamus and give me conclusive results of a relationship that hasn't happened, involving a guy they've never met, giving me solid answers to a problem that not even Plato and Aristotle could resolve. and none of them being in any kind of successful relationship themselves (we all agree that such a thing does not exist at all anyway!).

i know what it is. i have the patience of a child on the night before Christmas THAT'S what it is. i want my presents NOW so i can play the HELL out of them so i can BREAK them and throw them AWAY already! puleeeeze just give them to me NOW so i can break them and throw them away so i can RELAX!

if i REALLY wanted to make life easy for myself i should just move on, expect ZERO and anything above that will be a pleasant surprise. because plucking the petals of an entire FIELD of daisies will not bring me ONE STEP closer to the inner workings of the mind of another person. that's if they THEMSELVES know the inner workings of their OWN minds.

and anyways, i never did like flowers. flowers make me want to burp "HARDEN THE F*** UP" into the face of the individual that's handing them to me.

there. that settles things quite nicely. aaah! he's about to miss HOUSE! i wonder if i should sms him to tell him. no that's lame, he KNOWS he's missing HOUSE. maybe i should sms him AFTER HOUSE and inform him whether he missed a good episode or not... or should i wait until tomorrow when we're training... ah maaan that's like LIGHT YEARS away...

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