Wednesday, December 26, 2007

THE ZZZT-FACTOR: Electro-Shock Therapy or Death By Electrocution?

"no, this trick won't work... How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as [falling in] love?" - Albert Einstein.

ok if THIS man is left confounded, i'm not quite sure what light i think I'M going to shed on the matter, but hey, i'll give it a go. if there's no answer i can't be WRONG so that's a calming idea to kick off with.

years ago i labeled the intangible chemistry between two people 'the Zzzt Factor'. not the most technical term but i think it aptly describes the feeling. the illusive Zzzt Factor is a gift from the Universe and it cannot be created. and it cannot be RECREATED once it has gone. so often i've said 'if the Universe wanted to give me a gift why couldn't it have bought me a bunch of flowers?'. and i don't even like flowers. but recently my perspective has started to change on that.

men. can't live WITH 'em. CAN live without 'em. but for all the black in Africa, i swear i wouldn't WANT to.

in my article "300 BILLION YEARS TO BIO-DEGRADE", i explored the reasoning behind why white people still live in Africa, against such overwhelming odds. i concluded that it was the rush of making it through every day alive, like Maximus the Gladiator every time he survived another seemingly inescapable situation in the Colluseum, maliciously constructed to kill him by that Judas-like little shit Commodus.

falling in love is not entirely dissimilar.

i realise that Steve Tyler from Aerosmith is no Socrates, but he must know SOMETHING about life if we're all sitting with his albums, t-shirts and other paraphenalia while HE'S sitting on a yacht somewhere being served champagne by the girls from the Playboy Mansion.

it was HIM that wrote the brilliantly penetrating line: 'sweet love ain't love till you give your heart away'. that's from the song 'Crying' - in my opinion one of the GREATEST songs of all time.

go Google the lyrics. he says:

I was crying when i met you,
Now i'm trying to forget you.
Love is sweet misery.
I was crying just to get you,
Now i'm dying 'cos i met you...

go on. go read them. i think even Einstein would've applauded Steve for penning THAT song.

if falling in love is the pinnacle of life as we know it, which in my experience it IS, then it comes with a very expensive price tag - heartbreak. but it's WORTH IT! because even the most EXTREME of extreme sports does not require a FRACTION of the courage it takes to open your heart and put it on the line between life and death. and it's only THEN that you can truely feel your real self. touch the void of your soul. and it's THAT existential experience that brings you back again and again and i feel deeply SORRY for those who have closed themselves off to this uniquely bewildering avenue of life because love is the stitching that keeps the fabric of the Universe together and there's no substitute for rubbing shoulders with it. no words can accurately describe it. and it has to be LIVED OUT to be known.

not only is love coupled with pain, it is unpredictable, so you can never be prepared for what will come next because there are no real certainties. so you have to sit back and go with it. trying to control love is like trying to steer a roller-coaster - your NOT going to win, you're GOING to freak out every two seconds, you're DEFINITELY going to be scared shitless. the only thing you CAN predict is, even when it's over, you'll feel pleasantly bruised from the experience. and you're 99.9% sure to make it out alive at the end. and know that there IS an end.

so, if you're brave enough to fork out the money for the ticket, stand in line over here, secure any loose change and jewelry, people with heart conditions take your medication now, keep your seat belt fastened. the theme park takes no responsibility for any injuries incurred throughout the duration of the ride. have fun and please come again soon.

and that's all i have to offer right now. FYI, the ride is called "The Mindfuck" and you'll find it at Upside-Down World in the Land of Confusion.

P.S. the secret is to have confidence and KNOW the strength of your OWN spine. once you've gotten your head around THAT you are INDESTRUCTIBLE! you can ENJOY the Zzzt Factor without being strapped into an electric chair with a piece of wood between your teeth to bite down on.

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