Wednesday, December 12, 2007


this morning i was getting dressed and i found myself trying to find a reason not to wear my cool underwear and rather just step into some old ones. the rationale i came up with was, now hold your nose here comes the cold water, i was SAVING them!

SAVING THEM?! for what?! did i have some wild date coming up with Ryk Neetling soon where he was supposed to peel them off me? i don't THINK so, nor is there anything remotely resembling that in my diary.

i know what this is i'm telling you, THIS is a girl with a self-esteem SO LOW you'd have to board a submarine to find it. THAT'S what's going on here. a girl that feels undeserving to wear a pair of hot panties.


don't i understand that i've only got so much time to wear all my cool stuff - which in reality will take me about a THOUSAND YEARS if i started now - before i can't pull it off anymore?

how warped is that?!

and FMI (that stands for 'For MY Information'), wearing old crap clothes makes you feel old and crap. i know this. step into my Prada shorts, add my Schwarovsky chrystal Havaianas and a bit of Ed Hardy and i feel like a different human being! i tell you high-fashion clothing should be able to be claimed for on medical aid because of it's anti-depressant properties (i'm gonna try Raymond for an open script for Hyde Park Shopping Centre and see what he says).

i mean, in nature, you can't tell me a snake feels sexy when he's wearing a tight, dried up, colorless old piece of skin wrapped around him. and i'll bet he feels a SHIT LOAD hotter once its off, thrown away, left for the earth to turn it into fertilizer that the Earth can use. i'm telling you, throwing away old shitty clothes has the power to save the environment!

and i'm gonna do my bit i'm telling you all right now. i'm tossing all this old kak into a packet, giving it to someone who'll use it and i'm wearing something new EVERY DAY until the globe starts to cool down.

don't thank me, i know it's stressful, but someone's gotta take some RESPONSIBILITY here...

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