Wednesday, December 26, 2007


"Trust me!". the two most over-used words in the HISTORY OF, well WORDS.

trusting another person, unlike a trustFUND is EARNED and not passively received.

alot like "i love you," the most over-used THREE words in the history of words, trust is not really a concept related to words at all. trust is related to ACTIONS. all the 'Trust-Me's' in the expanding universe will NEVER have the impact of DOING what you say, BEING who you say you are, FOLLOWING THOUGH on spoken thoughts, and being CONSISTENT in your manner of behaviour toward others.

learning to trust is like learning to - ugh to use a over-ploughed metaphor here - it's like learning to ride a bike. i can't believe i just WROTE THAT but it IS an accurate analogy none the less. you know how it is. once you've gotten to KNOW the bike and gain CONFIDENCE in your relationship with the bike, only THEN can you remove the training wheels with certainty and assurance.

my mistake, well i don't know if it's been a MISTAKE so much as naivety, has been to believe everyone to be 100% good and get disappointed back into reality. unlike my dad who believes everyone to be 0% good and 100% a shit who's REALLY out there to fuck him over, and if they prove him wrong he's pleasantly surprised - but still never certain.

my dad NEVER gets disappointed. how can you get disappointed when your expectations in people are zero?

i always get disappointed.

but i'm NOT going to throw up my hands in despair. that's a part of WHO I AM. i'm a very open-hearted individual. however, i've had a shit-detector installed recently that i'm still running in. i bought it so that i can stop wasting my time on hopeless cases who are never EVER going to be deserving of my trust, and it bleeps a eardrum-rupturing warning siren inside my head when someone BEGINS displaying signs of a person who MIGHT be untrustworthy.

i'm sorry if you have been mistakenly identified as someone who might screw me over, but i've put the setting on 'HIGHLY SENSITIVE TO ABUSE OF TRUST' mode to get into it, and once i've perfected it i'll be able to turn it down.

i know what you're thinking, what if i alienate a perfectly trustworthy person in the process? well, that's a risk i'm willing to take, because i already HAVE a wealth, no a TRUSTFUND of top-of -the-trustworthy-range people in my life, so i don't have to be greedy.

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