Thursday, December 27, 2007


stop! here's the picture! THAT'S what it looks like! i think... MUSIC - the sound of the breath of the Universe! it cannot be touched, seen, explained, rationalised. but it CAN be FELT. coursing though our veins. like seratonin, dopamine, adrenhilin, and in my case, lithium.

that's right. music is the brain chemical mix of the Cosmos!

music is conclusive evidence of things not seen, the proof of another dimension that is above and yet inextricably bound to us and our world.

music binds our life experience together. like a soundtrack to the film of YOU.

as Greg and i sat drinking coffee together on this awesome summers day, azure-blue ocean extending out before us, fearsome mountain rising up behind us, we reminisced about our past and remarked on how EVEN THE BASELINE of a certain song could INSTANTLY whip together a memory, and ALL the emotions involved. like it was THEN happening NOW. in a flash! incredible.

music has the unique ability to CHANGE YOUR MIND. lazy to go to gym? slap some Aerosmith onto your iPod and you'll find yourself changing into your gym kit faster than Superman in a phone booth. feel demotivated? Mozart - Carmina Burana. sense of humour failure? Puddle of Mudd - She Fucking Hates Me. down? Radiohead - Creep. 4.30 in the morning chatting to Jonathan? Timberland and One Republic - Apologise.

i'm telling you guys, there isn't a situation in existence that music cannot provide the anthem for.

and musicians get a bad rep for their deviant lifestyles! can you imagine if the force of the CHORUS OF THE UNIVERSE came rushing through YOUR senses amplified to the power of a MILLION. sheesh i'd also turn to drugs, alcohol and meaningless sex to try DROWN IT OUT just to escape and have a moments peace! take the money and blow it guys, you deserve it! i wouldn't want YOUR job for all the salt in the sea.

today i was listening to Radiohead. i couldn't eat my lunch i was so blown away by that song 'Creep'! i eventually had to put down my knife and fork and go Google the lyrics or i think my skin might've crawled right off my flesh for all the goosebumps that were rushing up and down my body! and i need my skin so Bryan and i can hit the beach tomorrow...

go listen to that song. you'll see why U2, among other great bands, felt the need to cover it. it speaks across the bridge between ALL people. i think it would make even OSAMA BIN LADEN burst into a fit of tears of emotion and dash for the replay button.

picure a world without music - Rocky running up the Philidelphia Art Museum steps in silence. sports teams SPEAKING their country's anthem before a match. fashion models working the catwalk to the 'click click' of their Jimmy Choos.

HOWEVER, i could be turned against DEPECHE MODE if i was forced to listen to them while i waited for Discovery to answer my call when i'm number 375 in their queuing system. please don't do that...

"Life without music doesn't make sense." i think that's how Nietzsche phrased it. and if he DIDN'T he SHOULD'VE! because a world without music is like a cake without flour - it'll collapse into an amorphous puddle of deconstructed ooze. and who in their sane mind would want to hang out in a swampland like THAT?!

can you imagine if the cosmic sound system shorted out and all the music suddenly fell silent?! i think the Universe would have about SEVEN MINUTES to live. and how do we defribulate an invisible heart anyway?

so pump up the volume! let the music play. buy it, download it, rip it off your mates' iTunes, whatever way you can, blast it through your iPod, through the speakers in your car, your TV, your computer. or sing it! no matter how bad you sound, it's better than nothing! and just think, every time you give music a chance, you are tuning in to the POWER OF THE UNIVERSE. and THAT is like taking STEROIDS for your SOUL!

i'm going to listen to Creep one more time before i go to bed. okay maybe twice...

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