Thursday, December 27, 2007


in a photo-finish at the 'History Of Abused Words' Charity-Cup race meeting on saturday, I'M SORRY lost by a nose to TRUST ME. FORGIVE ME following shortly behind in 3rd place.

it was an exciting race as there was really nothing in it, all three were so evenly matched that kudos must go to ALL the owners, no-one should walk away feeling like a loser.

you know i'd like to throw in a religious quote here, or some or other sage advice from the likes of Aristotle or Plato, but i think no-one expressed it better than Madonna when she spewed out the lyrics to the song 'Sorry'. i have no idea what Guy Richie must've done to piss HER off, but i'm willing to put my Michael Stars vest through a paper shredder and bet that it was something he'd done many many MANY MANY times before!

I've heard it all before
I've heard it all before
I've heard it all before
I've heard it all before

I don't wanna hear, I don't wanna know
Please don't say you're sorry
I've heard it all before
And i, can take care of myself
I don't wanna hear, i don't wanna know
Please don't say 'forgive me'
I've heard it all before
And i, can't take it anymore

You're not half the man you think you are
Save your words this time you've gone too far
I've listened to your lies and all your stories
You're not half the man you'd like to be

Don't explain yourself cause talk is cheap
There's more important things than hearing you speak
Mistake me cos i made it so convenient
Don't explain yourself, you'll never see

WOW i wish i could've written that! i typed it out for you guys, but really i did it for MYSELF so that JUST FOR A MOMENT i could pretend to be a genius and get the feeling of how a brilliant mind must think when it comes up with something THAT PROFOUND and insightful.

I'M SORRY, like it close competitor TRUST ME, is something one DOES as opposed to something one SAYS. half the time the offensive act would never have taken place if the person really 'LOVED YOU' but in the event that it DID they would SEE your pain and NEVER EVER DO IT AGAIN!

it is mystifying to me why people do this, but it is even MORE confounding as to why the guy on the receiving end ACCEPTS these words as an answer! at the risk of making you think that i've lost the ability to make up my own stuff, that line 'shame on you if you fooled me once, shame on ME if you fooled me twice' is frikkin hard to beat.

as i've said before, i am a very open-hearted girl and i desperately WANT people to impress me and BE who they appear to be, giving them opportunity after opportunity to wipe the black-board filled with "i'll never believe him again, i'll never believe him again, i'll never believe him again..." CLEAN and start again from scratch.

but at some point i begin to look like a fool. to MYSELF that is. and i'm sure to everyone else AS WELL but who cares what THEY think because they've probably done the same.

when i realise that i've hit fool-level i don't dig it ONE TINY BIT because i'm SANDY GREEN - ROCKSTAR after all and i have an IMAGE to uphold in front of the world! the 'fool' look does NOT sit well together with my Ed Hardy clothes and my Nina Roche shoes!

it is AT THAT point that the shitwad who did my make-up should get the FUCK OUTA MY WAY because the "i'll never believe him again" lines are STAYING on the board and any noise emanating from the vacuous hole underneath their nose will be the same EXCRUCIATING sound of finger-nails DRAGGING THEIR WAY DOWN IT!

the next race meeting will held in honor of the loving memory of TRUTH, which so sadly departed this world decades go. your presence is sorely missed.

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