Wednesday, December 26, 2007


you must see the public swimming pools from my apartment window today, the 26th of December, Boxing Day. i'd always wondered why the day after Xmas had been branded with such a violent label. but, in an instant i understood why this name so aptly fitted a day such as this. i'm telling you guys, if i was standing in the midst of the writhing mass of human pollution that have descended upon that innocent little patch of water, i'd be throwing wild and random punches at men, women and small children to get the hell out of there!

i get the fact that there are some people that don't get the opportunity to swim for the other 364 days of the year, but if you were in that position wouldn't you rather spend that SINGLE DAY relaxing and taking a load off? as opposed to standing in the middle of a swimming pool that is SO OVERTAXED that there isn't enough room to take a single stroke? especially when swimming is not your strong point. and taking one look at the condition of the life-savers one instantly realised that one's life was going to be in placed in harm's way. in fact after today they are more likely to be herded off by the police on charges of grievous bodily harm than to successfully practice CPR and save someone's life.

what is the thought that is revolving around inside one's head when, knowing all of this, one would then launch oneself off the 5m diving board only to wind oneself on impact and have to be dragged out by one of the death, i mean, life-guards. that doesn't look like Pamela Anderson FYI, because then that would then make perfect sense. and then get right up there and do it again?!

i look at this human carpet of gene-depleting chaos shaking my down-turned head filled with overwhelming feelings of anguish and despair.

what will become of the South African people if the children truely ARE our future? there's certainly no way of teaching THIS lot well before we let them lead the way, sorry to disappoint you Whitney Houston. i'm hanging onto the fine strand of hope that maybe you'll prove me wrong.

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