Wednesday, December 26, 2007


You know Universe, there are very few words to describe how You are treating me at the moment. lifting me up and then smashing me down like a spoilt child with a perfectly good toy. 'unfair' springs to mind. so does 'cruel'. and maybe even 'sadistic', or 'merciless'! yes 'merciless' is good!

what have i done to You lately that is SO OUT OF LINE that you'd throw me into the Cosmic Tumble Drier on a cycle that is SO RIGOROUS that it could churn out a pair of stone-washed jeans in a minute?

my mind has been twisted into a shapes that make pretzels look straight trying to fathom out what plausible rationale You could have for this abuse. full well KNOWING the state of my brain. honestly Universe, if You really want to hurt me then make it quick and get it over with. here You go, i'll even give You little a suggestion of my own devising: let the wind take the blame and suck me out of my 10th story window like a passenger in a plane that's nose-diving directly toward solid ground.

but this uncertainty is insufferable. i'd rather chew on a ball of tin-foil than ruminate on what the hell You're trying to do to me and why.

when, and IF You finally make up your mind, i fully intend to REMIND YOU that You are in CRIMSON RED karmic debt to me and i expect payback. with interest. PLUS VAT!

for a start could You please stop flying that airplane up and down in front of my window dragging that massive, acid orange, glow-in-the-dark Mango airline banner in front of my face. that's pretty cold and, quite frankly, beneath You.

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